Wednesday, September 9, 2020

72 Hours And He Got Away

The crew at Morning Joe were so mad last week about the disparagement of the armed forces by the president.  It's common knowledge that President Trump seems to control the news cycle no matter his actions.  And yet, Sunday was the last real media coverage of the military scandal. 

That is just one element of my criticism today. The other element is what you did cover: polls showing a tightening race.  But those polls are essentially from the day before the armed forces scandal.  So today's news cycle is about a 'tightening' of the polls which was based on the news cycle preceding the armed forces cycle and by smoke and mirrors you have just negated the weight and momentum that the armed forces scandal should've owned, not just this week, but through November 4th.

Joe Scarborough has used an itemized recalling technique to try and beat the news cycle. Until he didn't today.  We have heard "and in February he said it would disappear" about 100 times.  Where was "suckers and losers" today?  

This oversight is by no means malicious intent. The big knock on Morning Joe had been the empowerment offered to Trump when it mattered (New York society favoritism?) in 2015 before the 2017 realization of our impending doom. If you inadvertently misplace the giant scandals 72 hours later, it's as crushing as that early empowerment.

The Washington Post also doesn't mention the armed forces scandal anywhere on its Wednesday front page of it's website.  It's impossible to surmise why.  Is any story besides Benghazi or Emailgate worth wall to wall coverage for 2 plus years?  The simple answer is almost any Trump scandal is worse than either of those two stories, and yet none of them have survived this flanking move.  

The poll leapfrogging the news cycle is particularly disturbing though, they benefited from this move to escape the very real consequence of alienating the armed forces with no real news.  

The itemized recalling technique wouldve been better served with 4 straight days of a military interview segment, a general, and a guy on the ground from somewhere.  It's actually not too late, think about it.

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